
2018年12月20日,香港 — 由亞洲博聞、上海鑽石交易所和上海寶玉石交易中心擕手合辦的2019年度JNA大獎推介會已於12月7 日在上海鑽石交易所完滿舉行。JNA大獎首次舉辦推介會,並選址上海舉行,旨在加深中國珠寶企業對JNA大獎的認識,鼓勵更多業者把握機會參與2019年度JNA大獎。

由左至右︰上海寶玉石交易中心執行副總裁陳昱、JNA 大獎主席、JNA 創刊人暨亞洲博聞珠寶業業務拓展總監周美麗及上海鑽石交易所總裁林強擕手合作向中國珠寶企業推廣JNA大獎


JNA 大獎主席、JNA 創刊人暨亞洲博聞珠寶業業務拓展總監周美麗表示︰「非常榮幸能得到上海鑽石交易所和上海寶玉石交易中心的鼎力支持,將JNA大獎及其核心理念推廣予更多中國珠寶及寶石企業,從而進一步提升中國業界的水平,達至持續發展。我們期望更多優秀的中國企業參與JNA大奬,透過這平台向世界展示他們的卓越成就及創新意念,並為推動環球珠寶及寶石業進步貢獻其力量。」




2019 年 JNA 大獎獲周大福珠寶集團有限公司、上海鑽石交易所及巴林珍珠與寶石機構三家首席合作夥伴,連同三家榮譽合作夥伴,包括 KGK 集團、上海寶玉石交易中心及粵海置地控股有限公司全力支持。


查詢詳情,請登入 http://www.jnaawards.com/ 或聯絡:



+852 2516-2184

[email protected]

Mark Lee, Research Director of Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy, has over twenty years of research and teaching experience in the areas of Innovation, Strategy and Leadership. Mark has worked with multinational and local enterprises, such as Chow Tai Fook, Amorepacific, IKEA, 7-Eleven, MTR, Sino Group, AXA and Crown Motor. He has also been invited as guest speaker by leading associations, including the American Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong Brand Development Council, the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong, GS1 the Hong Kong Exporters’ Association, etc.

Lin Qiang was a pioneer in the establishment of the Shanghai Diamond Exchange (SDE) and has been the bourse’s President and Managing Director since 2000. He has devoted his career to the management of the only official diamond trading platform in Mainland China and implementing effective governmental policies for the country’s diamond industry.

Chow Mei Lai Letitia, is the Chairperson & Founder of Jewellery World Awards (JWA) at Informa Markets Jewellery. Letitia Chow started her affiliation with the jewellery industry in 1980 when she was appointed Executive in-Charge of the De Beers Diamond Promotion Service in Southeast Asia. In 1983, she co-founded Jewellery News Asia, and launched the Chinese edition in 1994. In 2012, to meet the needs of the industry, she started the Jewellery World Awards (JWA).


為回應業界的熱烈反應和需求,2024年 JWA可持續發展大獎決定把提名期延長至5月10日 。貴公司將有額外10天的時間,更全面地準備您的提名資料!

大獎由Informa Markets Jewellery舉辦,旨在表揚環球珠寶、寶石及行業相關企業,在過去三年所採取的傑出可持續發展舉措,涵蓋五大獎項範疇。